Entacmaea Quadricolour (Bubble Tip Anemone)
Large green Entacmaea quadricolor/Bubble tip anemone GBTA
Very large and healthy, approx 10-12” across when fully expanded and split regularly!
Captive propagated bubble tip anemones grown at a depth of 30cm under 54w T5s using a 50:50 mixture of standard 6500k daylight tubes and Osram blue tubes.
These anemones have been propagated via natural division (not forced cutting) and are housed in ceramic flower pots. They will be shipped in the same flower pots they are living in to avoid any possible damage by removal and stress during shipping.
When acclimatising these should ALWAYS be drip acclimated over a reasonable period of time. Place the flowerpot in the aquarium near to the desired spot for the anemone and allow it to leave the flowerpot of its own accord and find its own home. Be aware that the anemone may choose a different spot in the aquarium to your chosen location and constantly moving the anemone around will cause undue stress.
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Agressive and motile
Lighting: Medium to High
Waterflow: Medium to High
Temperature: 25-27c
dKH: 7.7-12
Ca: 380-450ppm
Mg: 1200-1500ppm
pH: 7.7-8.3
Salinity: 1.023-1.025sg
Please note that the pictures provided are stock photos and you will not receive that exact coral. However they will be as close as possible in terms of size and colour to the photo shown.
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